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Mr. Rogers vs A. I. 

A play for big people by William Missouri Downs

Semi-Finalist, Garry Marshall Theatre, New Works Festival, CA
Developed by the Thunder River Theatre Company

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The story juxtaposes the tranquil world of Mr. Rogers with the chaotic anxieties of modern life. George and Martha, two multitasking, short-attention-span iPhone addicts, post a scathing drama review on YouTube. Their antics rack up over a million views and ultimately shutter the play. The incensed playwright tracks them down, holds them hostage, and compels them to mono-task: a face-to-face conversation staged as if they were in a play.


Though not a musical, this comedy features songs like the unforgettable “Stanislavsky Gave Me Herpes.” The result? It is a whirlwind farce that hilariously explores how technology and AI have rewired our brains.

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