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(A Dramatic Comedy About Religion, Culture and Correctness.)

When an April Fool’s prank spirals out of control, Muslim students at a small liberal arts college file a formal complaint. In an attempt to resolve the situation, two professors invite a Somali poet to deliver the commencement address. Fresh off the plane, the poet quickly realizes she doesn’t share the college’s obsession with political correctness—and she shatters the professors’ preconceived notions of a Muslim woman. As the threat of the speech’s cancellation looms, all three must grapple with the complexities of diversity, free speech, and the pitfalls of modern campus culture.

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“Surprisingly funny” 

                                - The Detroit Free Press


 “The great triumph of the piece is the grounding of abstract, philosophical talk in a literally life or death situation.

                                 – The Telluride Colorado Watch 


 "An extremely intelligent and dark play, one that stares into a divide not as neatly bridged as we might like to believe."  

                                 - The Detroit Rogue Critic


 “Downs' new play tests all the current shibboleths about political correctness and multiculturalism”

                                 – Detroit New Monitor


 “A very insightful script that will likely have tongues wagging on all sides of the political spectrum.” 

                                 – Michigan Encore Magazine

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